DIY | Vintage travel posters

Vintage travel posters

I’ve already mentioned in my workspace post here that I’m always up for being a little crafty when it comes to decorating my home. A spray painted plant pot here, a table lamp from a charity shop there, you name it. What I’ve been really enjoying crafting lately is wall art. I don’t have the time to draw or paint anything at the moment so I was looking for something effortless, something I can customise a little and something affordable. Then I thought of vintage travel postersbingo! Vintage posters are so much underestimated yet they are in fact a form of art which has been developing for almost a century now!  

I know, I know, they sell them all over Etsy and E-bay and what not, and I’m not saying don’t buy them from there – in fact I will encourage you to do so if you’re looking for high quality print, a larger than A3 size and something that you know you will enjoy looking at for years to come. When it comes to me I’m too restless, too impatient and too scatty to commit myself to a set of posters. Maybe when I have my very own place that will be something I have the courage to do! At the moment though I happily went online and searched for ‘vintage travel posters’ and ‘retro travel posters’ (don’t forget to search for large sizes for when you’re printing them out poor quality or smaller sizes will come out blurry and pixelated) and all sort of magical images came up! 

I wanted them to have some relevance to my life so I picked these:

Santorini: Because it was Shaun’s and mine first holiday and because it’s the most beautiful place I’ve ever visited. Read my travel diary here  
Warwick Castle: Warwick was one of the first places I ever visited in the UK. I was 12 and it was a school trip and my mum came too and it was the best time – that’s when I fell in love with the UK and knew I was to come back one day.   
Oxford: Because going to Oxford has always been memorable for me. The first time I visited it with my friend from Uni who I miss loads – he moved back to the Czech Republic for work a few years back. And the second time I went to Oxford I met up with Shaun for our second date.   
 Stratford-upon-Avon: Stratford goes hand in hand with Warwick really, these two have always been a sort of twin destination for me – they are the ultimate epitome of British history.  
 Prague: I love Prague, it’s such a beautiful city! And the longer I spend abroad the more I appreciate it when I come back. I can’t wait to go again next week, I haven’t been for something like 2 years now, how crazy!

Have you picked your posters yet? Now all you need to do is print them out on a good quality paper (I use photographic paper), frame them, hang them up and admire your DIY efforts.

Do you like vintage travel posters?
Have you come across any super amazing ones?

from Cityscape Bliss

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